The dentists can be a hassle for those who are  anxious, those who have trouble keeping their mouth open for a long time and those who need multiple treatments.

It can be uncomfortable, nerve racking and annoying. So we at Wesbrook Village Dental are able to pride ourselves on being able to provide Sedation Dentistry to any and all patients.

Sedation Dentistry allows you to stay fully conscious, while being in a calm and at ease state. You’re able to respond to your dentist or hygienist, or any one of the team who are specialized in looking after you, but you’ll remain more comfortable than you could have imagined.

Administered through a pill, taken before your appointment, sedation dentistry removes all anxiety, lowers the strength of your gag reflex and enables you to undergo multiple procedures in one day. You won’t remember much of the appointment, meaning you’re less likely to remember the dentist in a negative way, which is great for those who have a fear for the dentist.

If you’re looking to find out more about sedation dentistry, or if you’ve been anxious about coming to the dentist, whether it be from the fear of dentistry or wondering how uncomfortable your gag reflex might make you. Or if you have multiple procedures needed and want to try sedation dentistry, contact us to learn about the best options for your fear of the dentist.